Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Pioneers, Ploughs, and Politics: New Brunswick Planned Settlements

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Excerpt from James Brown’s diary. – 16 October 1861-22 October 1861. – 4 pp. of textual records. Here James Brown, New Brunswick’s emigration commissioner, records his activities in connection with his speaking engagements in eastern Scotland, from Kingoldrum, through Kinnemuir, Forfar, Glammis, and Meigle to Dundee. Along with making travel arrangements, booking and setting-up lecture halls, speaking to large audiences, purchasing supplies, preparing reports, and writing letters for the local press, Brown took time to attend church, visit friends and relatives, and play tourist. On 16 October he visited an “old friend & relative Margaret Bower”, who, like so many Scots, had a child or children living in one of the British colonies. MC295-MS2-10 James Brown fonds, James Brown diary, 1861-1862, PANB.

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Letter from James Brown, Forfar, [Scotland] to Catherine Brown, Charlotte County, New Brunswick. – 5 October 1861. – 4 pp. of textual records. James Brown, New Brunswick’s emigration commissioner, recounts the progress of his lecture tour in eastern Scotland to his wife. He was accompanied on his travels by their son, John. Along with detailing aspects of the lecture tour, Brown notes visiting members of the Brown family living in Scotland and asks for word of his grandchildren at home. MC295-MS3-242 James Brown fonds, correspondence, Aug. 1861-Dec. 1861, 240-251, PANB.

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Copy of letter from James Brown, Glasgow, to the Hon. S. L. Tilley. – 28 October 1861. – 4 pp. of textual records. Brown recounts his success in eastern Scotland, noting the villages, towns, and cities visited and his reception in the region. His report highlights the importance of letters of introduction and of the support of the local press. Brown also comments on the competition he encountered from an Australian lecturer who was touring Scotland on a similar mission. MC295-MS3-244 James Brown fonds, correspondence, Aug. 1861-Dec. 1861, 240-251, PANB.

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